Teacher Resources

We place a lot of demands on teachers. Too many!
We place too many demands on teachers. Budget pressures, outdated materials, long hours. Society can't pay you enough for the good work that you do. So when do you have time to teach your students about financial basics? Many teachers have found my books to be useful. The stories and illustrations are fun. Each book includes easy-to-understand educational back matter to assist with classroom instruction. The Council for Economic Education (CEE) has sponsored the development of free teacher supplements for Money Tales which can be found below.
In addition, the FoolProof Foundation has aligned Money Tales with the CEE JumpStart National Standards. That alignment can be found here.
Whether it’s Princess Persephone failing to read the fine print on a contract, or Arlene the giant tortoise falling victim to a Ponzi scheme, students will learn from the lessons of others making bad choices.
Download classroom ready lessons, activities, and resources.
Students can create their own inflation or bid up the price of paper daisies. Fun ways to learn about not-so-fun real world issues.
Download classroom ready lessons, activities, and resources.